FESP 5133-F Schwarzbeck 133mm Magnetic Field Receiving Loop Antenna

FESP 5133-F
Manufacturer brand:Schwarzbeck
Equipment name:loop antenna (electronics)

Recommended test standards:MIL-STD-461

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FESP 5133-F is a 133mm magnetic field receiving loop antenna manufactured by SCHWARZBECK, Germany and authorized to be sold by EUTTEST, Shenzhen, China. Designed for use with MIL-STD-461F and 461G, GJB 151B-2013 RE101 standards, with test frequencies up to 200kHz, the loop sensor antenna is designed to monitor radiation sensitivity. magnetic fields generated during testing. The loop antenna is configured with a plastic spacer that allows the antenna to be spaced 70mm apart from the EUT, or the antenna can be placed vertically to directly test the magnetic field strength in the environment.

Technical parameters:

Magnetic Field Test Antenna Model FESP 5133-F
manufacturer SCHWARZEBCK, Germany

Sold by Shenzhen EUTTEST domestic agent new imported

ring diameter 133mm
Number of turns 36
connector BNC
size 136*177*36mm
Test Frequency 10Hz-200kHz
impedance 7.2Ω
shunt capacitor ≈157pF
Meet the standard MIL-STD-461F RE101

MIL-STD-461G RE101

GJB 151B-2013 RE101

For other versions of the standard contact us for more information.

Graph of related technical parameters:

FESP 5133-F Outside Dimensions Specifications

Outer Dimension Specification

FESP 5133-F Impedance Diagram

impedance diagram

After purchase, our company will provide after-sale consulting service and Chinese instruction manual.