FESP 5133-9 Schwarzbeck Circular Shielded Radiating Ring Antenna

FESP 5133-9
Manufacturer brand:Schwarzbeck
Equipment name:loop antenna (electronics)

Recommended test standards:VG95337

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The FESP 5133-9 Circular Shielded Radiating Loop Antenna is a test instrument manufactured by Schwarzbeck, Germany and distributed by EUTTEST that generates magnetic fields up to 400 A/m in a short period of time. It is designed to generate defined magnetic field strengths in the audio frequency range up to 3 MHz. The main test standard is the immunity test for magnetic fields, e.g. VG 95377 Part 13.

It can also be used to measure the magnetic field around the equipment installed in the field, open-circuit output voltage is proportional to the magnetic field strength (at a fixed frequency) or proportional to the frequency (at a constant magnetic field strength), and should be connected to the 50 Ω spectrometer and receiver when measuring the magnetic field.

Technical parameters:

Model number FESP 5133-9
manufacturer Schwarzbeck
agent Euttest provides quotation and after-sales service
Number of turns 9
wire diameter 1.2mm Cu
Maximum current 11A (5 min.)
nominal current 7 A continuous
Maximum field strength 380.4 A/m (5 min.)
continuous field strength 242 A/m continuous
cultivate EUTTEST
1A current field strength 34.58 A/m
1A/m current 28.9 mA
50mA current field strength 127 dBpT
ring diameter 133 mm
size 0.16 m x 0.2 m
connector N-female
Available frequency 10 kHz - 3 MHz
inductors Approx. 20μH
weight 0.8 kg
test standard VG 95377 Part 13

Graph of related technical parameters:

FESP 5133-9 Output Voltage Graph at 100 A/m Magnetic Field Strength

Output voltage graph at 100A/m magnetic field strength

More 5133 serial antenna recommendations:

FESP 5133 SCHWARZBECK Shielded Radiating Ring Antenna

FESP 5133-9 Schwarzbeck Circular Shielded Radiating Ring Antenna (Devices on this page)

FESP 5133-1330 SCHWARZBECK Radiating Ring Antenna