FESP 5133-1330 Schwarzbeck Radial Ring Antenna

FESP 5133-1330
Manufacturer brand:Schwarzbeck
Equipment name:loop antenna (electronics)

Recommended test standards:VG95337

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The FESP 5133-1330 is a hand-held radiating loop antenna test set manufactured by Schwarzbeck (Germany) and distributed by EUTTEST. It is designed for magnetic field immunity testing at a test frequency of 20 kHz, with a fixed test distance of 50 mm between the center of the coil and the surface of the EUT, and generates a magnetic field strength proportional to the coil current. Typical application is to meet the requirements of the test standard VG 95377 - SF 01 G for magnetic field immunity testing.

Technical parameters:

Model number FESP 5133-1330
Device name handheld radial loop antenna
manufacturer Schwarzbeck
agent Euttest provides quotations and after-sales service
Number of turns 225
wire diameter 2 mm Cu
Center ring diameter 126mm
Center Ring to EUT Test Distance 50mm
Maximum current 20 A
50mm field strength 17 kA/m
Installation and training EUTTEST
1A current field strength 858.2A/m
1000A/m current 1.165 A
1A current flux density 1.078 mT

180.66 dBpT

size 190 x 190 x 290 mm
connector 4mm banana head
Available frequency 0 - 20 (50) kHz
Meet the standard VG95377- SF 01 G
weight 5.3 kg

Distribution of the strength of the generated magnetic field is plotted:

The figure below shows the distribution of magnetic field strengths in the cross-sectional plane of the 5133-1330 loop antenna. At this point the coil current is set to 1A and the results on the right are shown in percentile of the maximum field strength generated in the inner region of the coil. The two axes x and r in the plot are highlighted in green and red, respectively, and the magnetic field flux is analyzed along these x and r axes.

FESP5133-1330 Magnetic field strength distribution in r-axis and x-axis

Distribution of magnetic field strength in the r-axis and x-axis

More 5133 serial antenna recommendations:

FESP 5133 SCHWARZBECK Shielded Radiating Ring Antenna

FESP 5133-9 Schwarzbeck Circular Shielded Radiating Ring Antenna

FESP 5133-1330 SCHWARZBECK Radiating Ring Antenna (Devices on this page)