FESP 5132 SCHWARZBECK Radiating Ring Antenna

FESP 5132
Manufacturer brand:Schwarzbeck
Equipment name:loop antenna (electronics)

Recommended test standards:EN55013, GJB151B-2013, MIL-STD-461

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The FESP 5132 Radiating Loop Antenna, manufactured by Schwarzbeck, Germany and distributed by EUTTEST, generates a magnetic field of up to 1500 A/m in a short period of time. It is also a magnetic coil that can be hand-held to emit magnetic fields and is designed to generate defined magnetic field strengths in the audio frequency range up to 100 kHz. The main application is immunity testing of magnetic fields according to EN 55103 and MIL-STD-461 E / F, GJB151B-2013.

This ring antenna can also be used to measure magnetic fields in the field. The open-circuit output voltage is proportional to the magnetic field strength (at a fixed frequency) or proportional to the frequency (at a constant magnetic field strength). To do this, you need to connect the radiating loop antenna to a frequency-selective 50-ohm measurement instrument, such as a spectrum analyzer or an EMI test receiver.

Magnetic field strength versus coil current:

The radial loop antenna produces a magnetic field strength proportional to the coil current. With the Distance Positioning Accessory, the coil can be spaced precisely 50 mm from the coil to the surface of the EUT, and other distance positioning accessories can be used to scale the current-to-field strength ratio. The highest field strength levels can be achieved using the shortest loop. Other distance positioning accessories can be requested by contacting EUTTEST to provide a ratio between coil current and field strength (e.g. 1 amp coil current = 100 amps/meter field strength).

FESP 5132 Magnetic field strength at 50mm

Magnetic field strength at 50mm

Technical parameters:

Model number FESP 5132
manufacturer Schwarzbeck
agent Euttest
Number of turns 20
wire diameter 2 mm copper wire
Maximum current 20 A (5 min.)
nominal current 10 A continuous
Maximum field strength 1500 A/m (5 min.)
continuous field strength 750 A/m continuous
1A current field strength 75.56 A/m
1A/m current 13.23 mA
ring diameter 120 mm
size 16 x 25 cm
connector 4mm Connection Cable
Available frequency 0 - 150kHz
Meet the standard ISO 11452-8

MIL 461E RS101

EN 55103

weight 1.2 kg
Optional Accessories 50mm fixed distance positioning

Other Distance Continuous EUTTEST Consulting