FCC-BCICF-3 FCC Current Injection Probe Calibration Fixture 10kHz-400MHz

Manufacturer brand:FCC
Equipment name:Current Probe Calibration Fixture

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FCC-BCICF-3 What can a calibration fixture do?

FCC-BCICF-3 is a current probe calibration fixture from FCC, USA, which can be used to calibrate current probes from 10kHz to 400MHz, such as the F-120-7B current probe. Current probes are sent to metrology institutes for metering because without the calibration fixture the annual metering cannot be completed, without metering there is no new correction data to provide, so when purchasing current probes to match the purchase of the current probe calibration fixture is optional.

FCC-BCICF-3 Which injected current probes does the Calibration Fixture fit?




All three of the above probes can be used.

FCC-BCICF-3 Technical parameters:

Available frequency range: 10kHz - 400MHz

Dimensions: (L x W x H) 244 mm x 178 mm x 188 mm

Weight: 2.5kg

Voltage Standing Wave Ratio VSWR of FCC-BCICF-3:

Voltage Standing Wave Ratio VSWR for FCC-BCICF-3

Voltage Standing Wave Ratio VSWR for FCC-BCICF-3