FCC-801-50-150-BCI Conducted Immunity IEC61000-4-6 150Ω-50Ω Adapter

Manufacturer brand:FCC
Equipment name:Conducted Immunity Generator

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FCC-801-50-150-BCI is a 150Ω/50Ω adapter manufactured by FCC and authorized to be sold by Shenzhen EUTTEST. The adapter is used to convert 150Ω impedance to 50Ω for connecting to an external receiver for testing. When the impedance is matched, we can disregard the test level at the 150Ω end and just monitor the test results at the 50Ω end.

Technical parameters:

Model number FCC-801-50-150-BCI
Product name 150Ω/50Ω Adapter
manufacturer FCC (Fischer Custom Communications, Inc.)
agent Shenzhen EUTTEST
Available frequency 10kHz-230MHz
insertion loss 9.5dB
accurate ±0.5dB
rating 4W
Test kits EUTTEST represents and sells the following products:

FCC-801-50-150-BCI, 150Ω/50Ω calibration adapter;

FCC-BCICF-6-150 , calibration fixture;

FCC-120-9A, current injection clamp;

AOEMC-6dB, 6dB attenuator.

Test Utilization Guide:

The adapter FCC-801-50-150-BCI is suitable for current probe injection clamp testing according to IEC 61000-4-6 and GBT 17626.6.

150Ω/50Ω calibration adapter, calibration fixture, current injection clamp combination can be completed GBT 17626.6 Figure 9 level calibration, calibration level, conducted immunity signal generator is connected to the RF input port of the calibration fixture, and in the calibration fixture on both sides of the connection of the 150Ω/50Ω calibration adapter, and then start the generator to start calibration. Contact us for more information on the detailed operation.

Test Application Configuration Diagram for FCC-801-50-150-BCI

Test Application Configuration Diagram for FCC-801-50-150-BCI