F-97-1 FCC Miniature Surface Current Probe 30MHz-1500MHz 

Manufacturer brand:FCC
Equipment name:Surface Current Probes

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F-97-1 is a surface current probe, produced by the U.S. FCC and marketed by our company, it updates and replaces the F-97 (discontinued) miniature surface current probe, F-97-1 can be affixed to the flat or curved surfaces of PCBs and other products, interconnecting cables, and the surface of flying wires to test their surface currents. Because the F-97-1 probe is very sensitive to surface currents on PCBs, it can quickly measure surface currents on PCBs. Once the test is complete, the F-97-1 can be paired with a spectrometer to carry out the test, and after the test is complete, the surface current of the product under test can be obtained by using the transfer impedance curve to calculate the surface current.

F-97-1 works:

The F-97-1 grabs the near-field magnetic field around an alignment or PCB, so engineers can test for magnetic fields generated by the alignment when the probe is orthogonal to the PCB and allows the magnetic susceptibility to pass through the bottom of the probe.

Test the method of application:

When F-97-1 is used to measure the magnetic field around a wire:

The leads will be tested in a slot in the lower part of the probe, or the PCB alignment can be placed parallel to the slot.

When F-97-1 measures the surface of an electronic product:

Map a surface by changing the direction of the probe to obtain the source of maximum interference and then repeat the measurement at the next location.

The main technical parameters of F-97-1:

Current Probe Model F-97-1
original U.S. FCC
Authorized Providers Shenzhen EUTTEST
Product name Miniature Surface Current Probes
Available frequency 30MHz-1500MHz
RF continuous wave 10W
connector SMA
DBΩ -8
Maximum DC-400Hz current 10A
Maximum peak current 100A
high degree 13mm
lengths 10mm
height 0.4mm
Calibration Fixture FCC-MPCF-97

The transfer impedance characteristic curve for the F-97-1 will be shipped with the shipment to the customer for use, contact us for more information.