F-96 FCC Miniature Surface Current Probe 8MHz - 450 MHz

F-96 FCC
Manufacturer brand:FCC
Equipment name:Surface Current Probes

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Functions of the F-96:

F-96 is a miniature surface current probe, which is one of the products produced by FCC and authorized to be sold by our company. It can quickly test the current on flat or curved surfaces of products such as PCBs, interconnecting cables and flying wires. Because the F-96 probe is very sensitive to the surface current of PCB, it can quickly measure the surface current on PCB.

Principles of the F-96:

The principle of the F-96 is to obtain the near-field magnetic field formed on the PCB alignment, so it needs to be orthogonal to the wires to get the maximum value, which also includes the RF current on the 8MHz-450MHz printed board.

Functions of the F-96:

Measuring Leads: Leads will be tested in a slot in the lower part of the probe, or the PCB alignment can be placed parallel to the slot.

Measuring surfaces: Map a surface by changing the direction of the probe to obtain the maximum source of interference, then repeat the measurement at the next location.

2023 UPDATE: The F-96 product has been discontinued, please see below for alternatives:

F-96-1 Surface Current Probe 10MHz-400MHz

The main technical parameters of the F-96:

Available frequency range: 8 MHz - 450 MHz

Transfer impedance: 1.26Ω;

Connector: SMA

Size: 10.2mm*20.3mm*25.4mm

Transfer impedance characteristic curve of F-96:

Transmission Impedance Curve of Surface Current Probe F-96

Transmission Impedance Curve of Surface Current Probe F-96