F-65A FCC Current Probe 10kHz-1GHz

Manufacturer brand:FCC
Equipment name:Current Probe-Monitoring

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F-65A Introduction:

The F-65A is manufactured by FCC and authorized for sale by EUTTEST in Shenzhen, USA, and can be used for laboratory and field testing. The F-65A is capable of measuring pulse transients with a rise time of 200 picoseconds and a pulse width of 3 microseconds. The current probe has a small outer diameter of approximately 71 mm and an inner diameter of 32 mm. its transmission impedance is 0.1 Ω from 100 kHz to 1 GHz. The F-65A can operate up to 350 amps DC-400 Hz, 10 amps continuous wave and 100 amps peak pulse.

F-65A Main technical parameters:

There is a big difference between F-65A and F-65, they have different transmission impedance and different maximum RF continuous current. So please choose the suitable current probe for EMI conducted emission test according to the test requirements.

Current Probe Models F-65A
producers FCC
agent Euttest
Available frequency range 10 kHz -1GHz
Internal Ring Diameter 32 mm
External ring diameter 71mm
high degree 19mm
Typical ZtΩ 0.1
Typical dBΩ -20
connector N, 50 ohms
Rated power current value 350 A (DC - 400 Hz)
RF (CW continuous wave) 10A
peak pulse current (physics) 100A

Depends on pulse width and pulse repetition rate

Calibration Fixture fcc-mpcf-3-32/71/19

F-65ATransmission impedance graph

F-65A Current Probe Transmission Impedance

F-65A Current Probe Transmission Impedance