F-65 FCC Current Probe 10kHz-1GHz

F-65 FCC
Manufacturer brand:FCC
Equipment name:Current Probe-Monitoring

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F-65 Profile:

The F-65 Current Probe is intended for laboratory and field testing. It is manufactured by the FCC. It is capable of measuring pulse transients with a rise time of 200 picoseconds and a pulse width of 35 nanoseconds. The probe has a small outer diameter of about 71 mm and an inner diameter of 32 mm. it has a transmission impedance of 1 Ω from 1 MHz to 1 GHz. it can operate up to 350 amps DC-400 Hz, 3 amps continuous wave and 100 amps peak pulse current.

2023: F-65 Discontinued. Replacement model: F-200925-1005-1

The main technical parameters of the F-65:

Current Probe Models F-65
agent Euttest
producers FCC
Available frequency range 10 kHz -1GHz
Internal Ring Diameter 32 mm
External ring diameter 71mm
high degree 19mm
Typical ZtΩ 1
Typical dBΩ 0
connector N, 50 ohms
Rated power current value 350 A (DC - 400 Hz)
RF (CW continuous wave) 3A
peak pulse current (physics) 100A

Depends on pulse width and pulse repetition rate

Calibration Fixture fcc-mpcf-3-32/71/19

Transmission Impedance Curve for F-65