F-220126-1005-2 FCC Current Probes CISPR25 Current Clamps

f-220126-1005-2 fcc
Manufacturer brand:FCC
Equipment name:Current Probe-Monitoring

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F-220126-1005-2 is produced by the U.S. FCC and authorized by the Shenzhen YiYute Test Technology Co., Ltd. agent sales of monitoring current probe and current clamp, F-220126-1005-2 test inside diameter up to 70mm than the F-220126-1005-1 With a larger 40mm diameter, the probe is suitable for testing large-sized cables with DC currents of up to 600A, making it more suitable for the high-current testing requirements of new energy vehicles.

The F-220126-1005-2 can be used to test EMI interference currents on cables for common-mode currents in the frequency range of 10kHz-400MHz. The high measurable current allows the probe to be used for CISPR25 current probe method testing for automotive electronics.

Technical parameters:

Current Probe Model F-220126-1005-2
Available test standards CISPR25
manufacturer U.S. FCC
Authorized Agents EUTTEST
Available frequency 10kHz-400MHz
Inner ring size (max. measurable wire diameter) 70mm
Outer ring size 125mm
connector N
DC-400Hz current 600A
RF Continuous wave CW current 2A
pulse current (physics) 100A
Transmission Impedance Curve for F-220126-1005-2

Transmission Impedance Curve for F-220126-1005-2