F-220121-1005-1 FCC Current Probe 10kHz-1GHz

f-220121-1005-1 fcc
Manufacturer brand:FCC
Equipment name:Current Probe-Monitoring

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F-220121-1005-1 is a current monitoring probe authorized by the U.S. FCC - Fischer Custom Communications, Inc. and distributed by EUTTEST Shenzhen. The probe can be stuck directly on the power or signal line of the DUT for radiation testing, the test range includes 10 kHz - 1GHz common mode nuisance current, as long as the diameter of the unshielded cable less than 32mm can be used. Nuisance Current Test Methods on Shielded CablesContact us for more technical information.

When can I use F-220121-1005-1 to test RF current?

An ammeter is a basic tool for measuring high-frequency currents, but when using an ammeter in the field to measure a sample's cable you need to connect the ammeter in series to the test line, i.e., you have to cut the cable and insert the ammeter. In order to quickly get the RF current on the cable without destroying the cable under test, we can consider using a current probe such as the F-220121-1005-1 for non-destructive testing, but of course you can also choose more current probes depending on the frequency of the test and the size of the current to be tested.

How does a current probe measure current without being connected in series?

The current probe utilizes the law of electromagnetic induction to detect the magnetic field around the measured current, so that the RF current on the measured cable can be coupled to the coil of the current probe and form a new current, because the current probe adopts the 50Ω design, we can get the output voltage of the current probe and calculate the real current size of the measured sample.

Technical parameters of F-220121-1005-1:

Monitoring Probe Model F-220121-1005-1
manufacturer FCC
Domestic Authorized Agents Shenzhen EUTTEST
frequency 10kHz-1GHz
Inner ring diameter 32mm
Outer ring diameter 71mm
high degree 19mm
ZtΩ 1
dBΩ 0
connector N
DC-400Hz 400A
RF cw 3A
Pulse 100A
Calibration Fixture fcc-mpcf-3-32-40/71/19

Transmission Impedance Graph for F-220121-1005-1