F-200921-1005-2 FCC Current Clamp Frequency 10kHz-400MHz

F-200921-1005-2 FCC
Manufacturer brand:FCC
Equipment name:Current Probe-Monitoring

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F-200921-1005-2 is a current clamp authorized by the U.S. FCC-Fischer Custom Communications, Inc. and distributed by EUTTEST Shenzhen. F-200921-1005-2 is similar to F-200921-1005-1 probe, F-200921-1005-2 is also used to test common mode nuisance current, the test frequency can be up to 10kHz-400MHz. Both probes have the same measurable inner diameter of 40mm, the difference is that their transmission impedance is not the same, please select the desired transmission impedance according to the requirements of the test standard of the sample. Please select the required transmission impedance according to the sample testing standard. Please contact us for more information.

Technical parameters:

Monitoring Probe Model F-200921-1005-2
manufacturer FCC
Domestic Authorized Agents Shenzhen EUTTEST
frequency 10kHz-400MHz
Inner ring diameter 40mm
Outer ring diameter 98mm
high degree 38mm
ZtΩ 1
dBΩ 0
connector N
DC-400Hz 500A
RF cw 3A
Pulse 100A
Calibration Fixture fcc-mpcf-2-32-40/98/38
Transmission Impedance Diagram for F-200921-1005-2

Transmission Impedance Diagram for F-200921-1005-2