F-200415-1005-1 FCC Current Probe 10Hz-150MHz

F-200415-1005-1 FCC
Manufacturer brand:FCC
Equipment name:Current Probe-Monitoring

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F-200415-1005-1 current probe is produced by the U.S. FCC and authorized by the Shenzhen EUTTEST agent sales products, in the 10Hz-400Hz frequency current can be tested up to 200A current, but also can be tested higher than 400Hz RF current up to 150MHz, generally used in the laboratory and field testing, it is used to measure 10 Hz - 150 MHz emission, F-200415-1005-1 is intended for laboratory use by EUTTEST trained RF technicians using best engineering practices.

F-200415-1005-1 Technical parameters:

Model number F-200415-1005-1
manufacturer U.S. FCC

Fischer Custom Communications, Inc.

Authorized Agents EUTTEST
Available frequency 10Hz-150MHz
Inner ring diameter 32mm
Outer ring diameter 98mm
high degree 38mm
ZtΩ 1
dBΩ 0
connector N
DC-400Hz current 200A
pulse current (physics) 100A

Depends on pulse width and repetition rate

F-200415-1005-1 Transfer Impedance of Current Probes

F-200415-1005-1 Transfer Impedance of Current Probes