F-2000-12mm FCC Current Probe 10 kHz-3 GHz

F-2000-12mm FCC
Manufacturer brand:FCC
Equipment name:Current Probe-Monitoring

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F-2000-12mm Introduction:

The F-2000-12mm is an EMI monitoring current probe manufactured by FCC (Fischer Custom Communications, Inc.) and authorized for sale by EUTTEST Shenzhen. The F-2000-12mm current probe is ideal for laboratory and field testing over a frequency range from 10 MHz to 3 GHz. The open-ended design makes it easier for engineers to perform non-destructive current testing on test cables.

The main technical parameters of F-2000-12mm:

Available frequency range.10 kHz - 3 GHz

Internal Ring Diameter.13 mm

Outer ring diameter.37 mm

Height:17 mm

Typical value ZtΩ (1): 16


Max. peak current: 100 A

Max. RMS current: 100 A

Decline rate (%/ms.).

IT Max. (amp-sec).

Available rise time:

Low frequency 3 dB point 100 MHz

HF 3 dB point 3 GHz

1: Calibrate the probe with a 50Ω+j0Ω load impedance.

F-2000-12mm Calibration Fixture: FCC-MPCF-2K Rev B

Transmission Impedance Curve of F-2000-12mm

Transmission Impedance Curve of F-2000-12mm