F-191011-1008-1 FCC Current Injection Probe 200W

f-191011-1008-1 fcc
Manufacturer brand:FCC
Equipment name:Current Probes - Injection

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F-191011-1008-1 is an injection type current probe manufactured by FCC Fischer Custom Communications, Inc. and authorized for sale by EUTTEST in Shenzhen, China. The F-191011-1008-1 is a large-diameter, high-efficiency current injection probe designed for operation between 10kHz ~ 500MHz. 500MHz. It is designed for laboratory use by EUTTEST trained RF technicians.

Technical data for F-191011-1008-1:

Current Probe Model F-191011-1008-1
Available frequency 10kHz-500MHz
manufacturer U.S. FCC
agent Shenzhen EUTTEST
Inner ring size 50mm
Outer ring size 137mm
high degree 70mm
Input Rated Power 200W
Optional accessories F-191011-1008-2 Calibration Fixtures 10 kHz - 500 MHz

F-180419-1005-1 Current Monitoring Probe 10 kHz - 500 MHz

Transmission Impedance Factor Diagram for F-191011-1008-1

Transmission Impedance Factor Diagram for F-191011-1008-1