F-18090907-1005-1 FCC Current Probe 10kHz-108MHz

f-180907-1005-1 fcc
Manufacturer brand:FCC
Equipment name:Current Probe-Monitoring

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F-180907-1005-1 Introduction:

The F-180907-1005-1 is an EMI monitoring current probe manufactured by FCC Fischer Custom Communications, Inc. and authorized for sale by EUTTEST Shenzhen. Like the F-80-1, the F-180907-1005-1 can be used to test large cable bundles for EN50121, laboratory and inspection purposes and has a large internal diameter of 127 mm, which makes it suitable for testing large cable bundles for railroad and electric locomotive, automotive and other products at one time.

The main technical parameters of F-180907-1005-1:

Available frequency range: 10 kHz-108 MHz

Internal ring diameter: 127mm

External ring diameter: 197mm

Height. 41mm;

Typical ZtΩ(1): 5.6

Typical dBΩ. 15;

Connectors. N, 50 ohms;

额定功率电流值: 500A (DC - 400 Hz);

RF (CW continuous wave):100A;

Peak pulse current (2): 100A;

1: Calibrate the probe with a 50Ω+j0Ω load impedance.

2: Depends on pulse width and pulse repetition rate.

Calibration fixture for F-180907-1005-1:


Transmission Impedance Graph for F-180907-1005-1

Transmission Impedance Graph for F-180907-1005-1