F-180101-1008-1 FCC BCI High Current Injection Probe 125W

f-180101-1008-1 fcc
Manufacturer brand:FCC
Equipment name:Current Probes - Injection

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The F-180101-1008-1 is a BCI high current injection probe manufactured by FCC Fischer Custom Communications, Inc. and authorized for sale by EUTTEST in Shenzhen, China, and is suitable for both open and closed loop testing as required by the ISO 11452-4 standard. A large diameter, high efficiency current injection probe designed to operate between 10kHz-400MHz. It is intended for laboratory use by EUTTEST-trained RF technicians.

Technical parameters of F-180101-1008-1:

Current Probe Model F-180101-1008-1
Available frequency 10kHz-400MHz
manufacturer U.S. FCC
agent Shenzhen EUTTEST
Inner ring size 40mm
Outer ring size 127mm
high degree 70mm
Input Rated Power 125W @ 30 minutes


Optional accessories FCC-BCICF-1 Calibration Fixture 10 kHz - 400 MHz

F-52B Closed Loop Current Monitoring Probe 10 kHz - 400 MHz

F-200925-1005-1 Closed Loop Current Monitoring Probe 10 kHz - 1GHz

F-140 BCI High Current Injection Current Probe 10kHz-1GHz

Insertion Loss Curve for F-180101-1008-1

Insertion Loss Curve for F-180101-1008-1