F-171221-1005-1 FCC Current Probe 10kHz-500MHz

f-171221-1005-1 fcc
Manufacturer brand:FCC
Equipment name:Current Probe-Monitoring

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F-171221-1005-1 is an EMI current monitoring probe authorized by FCC and distributed by EUTTEST in Shenzhen, China.

The F-171221-1005-1 can be used to test transient pulsed current signals with a rise time of 800 ps and a pulse width of 35 ns. For details of the maximum cable size that can be clamped, please refer to the following table for a description of the technical data.

Technical data for F-171221-1005-1:

Monitoring Probe Model F-171221-1005-1
manufacturer FCC USA, Inc.
Domestic Authorized Agents Shenzhen EUTTEST
test standard CISPR25 current method
frequency 10kHz-500MHz
Inner ring diameter 32mm
Outer ring diameter 71mm
high degree 19mm
ZtΩ 1
dBΩ 0
connector N
DC-400Hz 200A
RF cw 3A
Pulse 100A
Calibration Fixture fcc-mpcf-3-32-40/71/19
Transmission Impedance of F-171221-1005-1

Transmission Impedance of F-171221-1005-1