F-120501-1008-1 FCC BCI High Current Injection Probe

f-120501-1008-1 fcc
Manufacturer brand:FCC
Equipment name:Current Probes - Injection

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F-120501-1008-1 is a BCI high current injection probe manufactured by FCC Fischer Custom Communications, Inc. and authorized for sale by EUTTEST Shenzhen.

The F-120501-1008-1 High Power Injection Probe is typically used for ISO11452-4 BCI testing and GJB151B MIL STD 461 C D E F G for CS114 testing, DO160 section20 testing. The F-120501-1008-1 is a high-efficiency injection probe primarily used at low frequencies for susceptibility testing. Using a low impedance signal source injected into the N-type connector of a single-turn primary coil with a 10 W loop as the secondary load, it has an insertion loss of less than 1 dB from 1 kHz to 10 MHz. the probe bore is large enough to allow the user to create customized probe injection configurations around his own product cable. The F-120501-1008-1 injection probe is rated at 1 kW for 30 minutes when the insertion loss measurement is set up with a primary winding of 10 and a 10 W load on the secondary winding.

The main technical parameters of F-120501-1008-1:

Available frequencies: 1 kHz - 10 MHz

Coupling window: 40 mm x 91 mm

Weight: 24kg

External Dimensions:

Width: 152 mm

Height: 191 mm

Length: 286 mm

Input power rating: 1000 watts

Optional accessory for F-120501-1008-1:

Calibration Fixture, bandwidth: 1 kHz - 10 MHz;

F-14A Current Monitor Probe Current Probe, Bandwidth: 100 Hz - 10 MHz, Inner Ring Size: 65 mm, Transfer Impedance: 0.013 W;

Insertion Loss Curve for F-120501-1008-1

Insertion Loss Curve for F-120501-1008-1

FCC Fischer Custom Communications:

Product specifications are subject to change without notice.

Product specifications are subject to change without notice.