F-120-5 FCC Current Injection Probe 10kHz-100MHz

F-120-5 FCC
Manufacturer brand:FCC
Equipment name:Current Probes - Injection

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F-120-5 is a BCI high current injection probe manufactured by FCC Fischer Custom Communications, Inc. and authorized by EUTTEST Shenzhen. The F-120-5 high power injection probe is typically used for ISO11452-4 BCI testing as well as GJB 151B-2013, MIL_STD_461 for CS114 testing for CDEFG, and DO160 section20 testing. The F-120-5 is designed to extend the range of conducted immunity applications. Tested over a bandwidth of 10 kHz-100 MHz. The F-120-5 is very efficient and is primarily used for injection probe testing of low frequency conducted susceptibility.

F-120-5 Discontinued: Please choose to purchase the following products:

F-120-9 , F-120-9A , Current Injection Probe 10kHz - 400MHz from FCC, USA

The main technical parameters of the F-120-5:

Available frequencies: 10 kHz - 100 MHz

Inner ring size: 65 mm

Outer ring size: 142 mm

Height: 54 mm

Rated input power: 100 W (30 minutes)

Optional accessory for the F-120-5:

FCC-BCICF-3, Calibration Fixture, Bandwidth: 10 kHz - 400 MHz

F-71, Current Monitoring Probe, Bandwidth:: 10 kHz - 400 MHz

Insertion Loss Curve for F-120-5

Insertion Loss Curve for F-120-5

FCC Fischer Custom Communications:

Product specifications are subject to change without notice.

Product specifications are subject to change without notice.