F-110305-1005-1 FCC Current Probe 10kHz-1GHz

F-110305-1005-1 FCC
Manufacturer brand:FCC
Equipment name:Current Probe-Monitoring

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F-110305-1005-1 is a current monitoring probe manufactured by FCC and authorized to be sold by EUTTEST Shenzhen.

EMC testers can use the F-110305-1005-1 for laboratory EMC-conducted current testing. The probe's outer ring size of only 71mm allows it to fit into tight product interiors when clamping the cable under test to ensure that the product under test will complete the test according to the standard requirements during normal operation.

Technical parameters:

Monitoring Probe Model F-110305-1005-1
manufacturer FCC United States
Domestic Authorized Agents Shenzhen EUTTEST
frequency 10kHz-1GHz
Inner ring diameter 32mm
Outer ring diameter 71mm
high degree 19mm
ZtΩ 1
dBΩ 0
connector N
DC-400Hz 100A
RF cw 5A
Pulse 100A
Calibration Fixture fcc-mpcf-3-32-40/71/19
Transmission Impedance of F-110305-1005-1

Transmission Impedance of F-110305-1005-1

For more current probe models from FCC, please go to the "Product Catalog" below.