F-080915-1008-2 FCC Current Injection Probe Calibration Fixture

f-080915-1008-2 fcc
Manufacturer brand:FCC
Equipment name:Current Probe Calibration Fixture

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F-080915-1008-2 is a calibration fixture for injected current probes produced by FCC (Fischer Custom Communications, Inc.) and authorized to be sold by EUTTEST Shenzhen. Test frequency: 2.25GHz-4GHz; used for metrological calibration of FCC high current injection probe F-080915-1008-1.

Most high current injection test program specifications require that an injection probe calibration fixture be part of the test equipment. This test fixture, F-080915-1008-2, allows the user to quickly and easily calibrate the injection probe prior to performing conformance testing. Contact us for current probe calibration instructions after purchasing this calibration fixture from EUTTEST.

The F-080915-1008-2 calibration fixture offers two important advantages:

1. Due to variable circuit impedance or resonance in the cable, calibration fixtures are used to build positive power into the injection probe to produce a specified current in the system under test.

2. The fixture can be used to measure the insertion loss of the injection probe.

F-080915-1008-2 Technical parameters:

Calibration Fixture Model F-080915-1008-2
Applicable current probe type High Current Injection Probes F-080915-1008-1
agent Shenzhen EUTTEST
frequency of use 2.25GHz-4GHz
Insertion Loss Curve for F-080915-1008-2

Insertion Loss Curve for F-080915-1008-2