F-040128-1008-2A FCC Current Injection Probe Calibration Fixture

f-040128-1008-2a fcc
Manufacturer brand:FCC
Equipment name:Current Probe Calibration Fixture

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F-040128-1008-2A is a calibration fixture for injected current probes manufactured by FCC (Fischer Custom Communications, Inc.) and authorized for sale by EUTTEST Shenzhen. Test frequency: 10 kHz - 10 MHz, can be used for high current injection probe F-040128-1008-1A transmission impedance calibration test.

Most high current injection test program specifications require that an injection probe calibration fixture be part of the test equipment. This test fixture, F-040128-1008-2A, allows the user to quickly and easily calibrate the injection probe prior to performing conformance testing. Contact us for current probe calibration instructions after purchasing this calibration fixture from EUTTEST.

F-040128-1008-2A The Calibration Fixture offers two important advantages:

1. Due to variable circuit impedance or resonance in the cable, calibration fixtures are used to build positive power into the injection probe to produce a specified current in the system under test.

2. The fixture can be used to measure the insertion loss of the injection probe.

Technical data for F-040128-1008-2A:

Calibration Fixture Model F-040128-1008-2A
Applicable current probe type High Current Injection Probe F-040128-1008-1A
agent Shenzhen EUTTEST
frequency of use 10 kHz - 10 MHz
size Length: 226 mm

Width: 173 mm

Height: 127 mm

VSWR for F-040128-1008-2A

VSWR for F-040128-1008-2A