F-040128-1008-1A FCC Current Injection Probe 1kHz-10MHz

f-040128-1008-1a fcc
Manufacturer brand:FCC
Equipment name:Current Probes - Injection

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F-040128-1008-1A Current Injection Probe is a BCI high current injection probe manufactured by FCC Fischer Custom Communications, Inc. and authorized to be distributed by EUTTEST Shenzhen. The F-040128-1008-1A Square Current Injection Probe is a new product introduced in 2023, which can be used to test the tests specified in RTCA/DO160 standard. The internal structure of the probe is square, which can support up to 40mm*91mm wire diameter testing. In addition, the square shape of the external structure allows the probe to be placed in a stable position during testing.

Main technical parameters of F-040128-1008-1A:

Product model F-040128-1008-1A
manufacturer U.S. FCC
agent Shenzhen EUTTEST
Available frequency 1kHz-10MHz
rating 2000W
insertion loss <9 dB / 400 kHz - 10 MHz
inner diameter 40*91mm
outer diameter 152*372mm
high degree 191mm
Calibration Fixture F-040128-1008-2A
(an official) standard RTCA/DO160

Insertion Loss Curve for F-040128-1008-1A

Insertion Loss Curve for F-040128-1008-1A

Insertion Loss Curve for F-040128-1008-1A

FCC Fischer Custom Communications:

Product specifications are subject to change without notice.

Product specifications are subject to change without notice.