ETS 3163 ETS-LINDGREN High Gain Conical Horn Antenna

ETS 3163
Manufacturer brand:ETS-Lindgren
Equipment name:Horn Antenna

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ETS 3163 Sequence High Gain Conical Horn Antennas are products manufactured by ETS-LINDGREN in the U.S.A. and authorized to be distributed and sold by EUTTEST in Shenzhen, China. The conical horns of this sequence are high gain (over 16 dBi) antennas designed for feeding in conical anechoic chambers and for applications where high gain and linear polarization are required. These high gain horns exhibit higher reflectivity levels in the quiet zone (QZ) of the tapered chamber, with lower VSWR throughout the range. For flexibility, the full range can be mounted directly in the feed section of a tapered chamber or mounted on a tripod and used in a rectangular chamber.

The 3163 antenna series has four models: Type 3163-03 (C-band), Type 3163-04 (X-band), Type 3163-05 (Ku-band) and Type 3163-06 (K-band), covering the frequency range from 4 GHz to 26.5 GHz.

Technical parameters:

The 3163 sequence contains several models, please contact EUTTEST for quotation information after selecting the model based on the test frequency.

Model number Frequency range VSWR Maximum continuous power impedance connector
3163-03 4GHz-8GHz Maximum 3.2:1

Average 1.5:1

250W 50Ω Nf
3163-04 8GHz-12GHz Maximum 2.5:1

Average 1.5:1

250W 50Ω Nf
3163-05 12GHz-18GHz Maximum 2:1

Average 1.25:1

200W 50Ω Nf
3163-06 18GHz-26.5GHz Maximum 2:1

Average 1.25:1

50W 50Ω SMAf
Gain and VSWR curves for ETS Type 3163 antenna

Gain and VSWR curves for the 3163 full sequence antenna