ETS 3110C ETS-lindgren Biconical Antenna 30MHz-300MHz

ETS 3110C
Manufacturer brand:ETS-Lindgren
Equipment name:biconical antenna

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The ETS 3110C Biconical Antenna is manufactured by ETS-Lindgren in the USA and authorized for sale by EUTTEST. The ETS Type 3110C Biconical Antenna combines a number of unique features to achieve a high level of performance. The balanced-unbalanced converter, feedline and element cage design gives Type ETS 3110C a response curve that is nearly linear, making it ideal for swept frequency measurements. The antenna's insensitivity to vertical plane orientation helps to eliminate any unnoticed or unrecorded changes in orientation, which are responsible for variations in test results. To achieve this performance, the balanced-unbalanced converter is designed using an unbalanced-to-balanced transformer. This results in a very uniform current conversion. The ferrite is also placed along the feed line, reducing the common mode current that can interfere with the antenna direction map in vertical polarization measurements. .

Common applications for the ETS 3110C biconical antenna include measurements according to the MIL-STD 461F specification, ANSI C63.4, FCC-18, and EN 55022 emissions testing.

ETS 3110C Technical Data:

Product model ETS 3110C
producers ETS-lindgren
Available frequency range 30MHz-300MHz
connector Nf
impedance 50Ω
standing wave ratio (physics) 2:1
polarize biometrics
antennae direction in all directions
ETS 3110C Maximum Input Power 250W
size Depth: 79.0 centimeters (31.10 inches)

Diameter: 52 centimeters (20.47 inches)

Width: 132.1 cm (52.01 in)

Weight: 2.7 kg (5.95 lbs)

Random Accessory ETS Model 3110C Antenna with Antenna Element, Base and Baron

Stinger and standard 1/4 in x 20 mounting

Calibrated separately at 1 m horizontal polarization according to SAE ARP 958.

10 m calibration (horizontally polarized) in accordance with ANSI C63.5 and signed calibration certificate

Consistency of gain and antenna factors


Charts related to technical parameters:

Antenna Coefficients for ETS 3110C from ETS-LINDGREN

Antenna Coefficients for ETS 3110C from ETS-LINDGREN

ETS 3110C Antenna Gain

ETS 3110C Antenna Gain

E-field orientation diagram of the ETS 3110C antenna

E-field orientation diagram of the ETS 3110C antenna

H-field orientation diagram of ETS 3110C antenna

H-field orientation diagram of ETS 3110C antenna