ESLP 9145 Schwarzbeck Microwave Log Periodic Antenna

ESLP 9145
Manufacturer brand:Schwarzbeck
Equipment name:log-periodic antenna

Recommended test standards:IEC 61000-4-3

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The ESLP 9145 is a microwave log-periodic antenna manufactured by Schwarzbeck, Germany and authorized for sale by EUTTEST, available from (0.7) 1 GHz - 18 (20) GHz, with an output field strength graph as shown below when using a 50Ω unmodulated (CW) source:

ESLP 9145 Field Strength Plot with 50Ω Unmodulated (CW) Source

Field strength plot when using a 50Ω unmodulated (CW) source

If you need to increase the AM modulation of the 80% as required by the standard you will need 1.8 times the voltage, 3.24 times more power compared to continuous wave, and 100 times the amplifier power for a 10 times increase in field strength. For more calculations related to field size contact us for more information.

Technical parameters:

Model number ESLP9145
manufacturer Schwarzbeck
agent Euttest
Frequency range. (0.7) 1 GHz - 18 (20) GHz
polarize linear polarization
material (that sth is made of) aluminum
impedance 50 Ω
Maximum Input Power 20W
connector N mother
size 500 mm x 240 mm x 40 mm
weight 0.9kg
Option-Antenna Adapter AA 9203 / AA 9202