EPM02 Langer-EMV Electric Field Probe Option

EPM 02
Manufacturer brand:Langer
Equipment name:IC-EMC Test Equipment

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What is EPM02?

EPM02 is an IC integrated circuit electric field probe manufactured by Langer EMV, Germany and distributed by EUTTTEST. EMP02 is an option that can be used with P1601, P1602 and P1702. The EPM02 can measure real-time changes in the direction of the electric field strength.

EPM02 Technical Data:

Frequency range 3 GHz
measured output 50 Ω, SMB
Oscilloscope Calibration E [V/cm]: 3,55 ∙ 1012 ∙ ∫UAV dt
Spectrum Analyzer Calibration E/dB(µV/cm): u / dB(µV) + 251 - 20 log_10 (ω/Hz)
Spectrum Analyzer Calibration E/dB(µV): u / dB(µV) +251 -16 - 20 log_10 (f/Hz)
Maximum RF field strength < 1 kV/cm
Maximum pulsed field strength < 100 kV/cm
Frequency characteristics of the EPM02

Frequency characteristics of the EPM02