BPM02 Langer EMV Magnetic Field Probe Option

BPM 02 Langer EMV
Manufacturer brand:Langer
Equipment name:IC-EMC Test Equipment

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What is BPM02?

BPM02 is a magnetic field probe for IC integrated circuits produced by langer-emv in Germany and distributed by EUTTTEST. BMP02 is an option that can be used with P1601, P1602 and P1702. BPM02 can measure the real-time change of the magnetic field strength direction on the IC surface of IC.

Technical data of the BPM02:

Frequency range 500 kHz - 3 GHz
Oscilloscope Calibration 1.26 ∙ 106 ∙ ∫UAV dt
Spectrum Analyzer Calibration B/dB (µT): u / dB(µV) +122 - 20 log_10 (ω/Hz)
Spectrum Analyzer Calibration B/dB (µT): u / dB(µV) + 122 - 16 - 20 log_10 (f/Hz)
Frequency characteristics of the BPM02

Frequency characteristics of the BPM02