ARA01KIT01 Active Receiver Antenna ARA01 30MHz-1GHz

Including tax 13% unit price: 50000
Manufacturer brand:York
Equipment name:White noise and comb sources

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ARA01KIT01 is an active receiving antenna manufactured by York emc (UK) and distributed by EUTTEST. It has a built-in active receiving antenna, ARA01, which is a compact transmitting antenna with an antenna coefficient comparable to that of a conventional broadband passive antenna - a compact antenna with an antenna coefficient comparable to that of a conventional broadband passive antenna.log-periodic antennaComparable.

The small size of the ARA01 makes the ARA 01 sequence particularly suitable for use in the darkroom; however, it can also be used in the open field (OATS) or in the field.The ARA 01 features two sets of interchangeable dipole antenna elements (DAEs). The standard DAE01 oscillator is optimized for 200 MHz to 1 GHz with a usable sensitivity down to 30 MHz, while the optional DAE02 oscillator is designed to increase the sensitivity between 30 MHz and 300 MHz.

ARA01 Technical Data:

Available frequency 30MHz-1GHz (using DAE01)

30MHz-200MHz (using DAE02)

output connector 50Ω BNC
dynamic range 90dB
yorkemc agents Euttest
1dB compression point 15.4dB/ 35.5mW/1.33V
temperature stability <1dB 5°C to 45°C
time stability <1dB /12 months
size 34*34*150mm
weight 0.39kg
electric power source Single 9V battery
operating time 6.5 hours
indicator light Power on, low battery
List of standard equipment ARA 01 Active Receiver Antenna

2×DAE01 : 100mm long antenna oscillator

CAL08: 30MHz-1GHz Antenna Factor

alkaline battery


option DAE01: 200MHz-1GHz /100mm Antenna Oscillator

DAE02 : 30MHz-300MHz / 270mm antenna oscillator

TRA01: Tripod Adapter with ARA 01 Mounting Bracket

radiance factor

radiance factor


Antenna Orientation Diagram

Antenna Orientation Diagram