3145BDP ETS lindgren dual-polarized log-periodic dipole array

Manufacturer brand:ETS-Lindgren
Equipment name:log-periodic antenna

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The Model 3145BDP Log Periodic Antenna is an antenna manufactured by ETS-LINDGREN in the U.S.A. and authorized to be distributed by EUTTEST in Shenzhen, China.ETS-Lindgren's Model 3145BDP is a dual linearly polarized broadband antenna, and the Model 3145BDP's frequency range of 100 MHz to 1.1 GHz makes it ideally suited for broadband spectrum monitoring. Its stainless steel construction allows for extended outdoor operation. The 3145BDP can also be used for antenna directional mapping measurements, including outdoor ranges. The choice of scale factors, the various diameters of each element, and the center distance of the moving arm allow for excellent VSWR characteristics over the entire operating frequency range.

Constructed of rugged stainless steel, the 3145BDP model is designed for extended outdoor use and harsh operating environments. For indoor use, custom designed aluminum antennas are also available. Calibrated to ANSI C63.5 at 10 m, the Model 3145BDP has actual antenna coefficients and a signed Certificate of Compliance included with the antenna. The precise design of the feed and the positioning of the elements on the moving arm produces an optimum phase relationship. This causes the active region to propagate RF energy to the smaller element at any given frequency, leaving the element behind it inactive and acting as a reflector to increase gain. Constant gain of an antenna produces an antenna coefficient that varies linearly with frequency. The variation is smooth; therefore, it is simple to accurately interpolate the performance between specified frequency points.

Technical parameters:

Model number 3145BDP
factory owners ETS-LINDGREN, USA
agent Shenzhen EUTTEST
Frequency range 100MHz-1.1GHz
impedance 50Ω
standing wave ratio (physics) Average 1.5:1; maximum 3.5:1
RF Maximum Power Input 800W
antennae direction directional
polarize biometrics
attachment (email) Antenna, including mounting flange

Individually calibrated at 10 m according to ANSI C63.5-1988

Technical data charts:

3145BDP Vertical and Horizontal Polarization Antenna Coefficients for Log Periodic Antennas

3145BDP Vertical and Horizontal Polarization Antenna Coefficients for Log Periodic Antennas


3145BDP Gain of log-periodic antennas

3145BDP Gain of log-periodic antennas