Unveiling EMC electromagnetic compatibility test equipment, the guardian of electronic product quality!

In this era of rapid technological development, we are surrounded by more and more electronic devices, have you noticed a key issue - electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)? Today, let us focus on the "EMC electromagnetic compatibility test equipment", to see how it is to ensure the safety of our daily use of electronic products!

What is electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)?

EMC is the science of studying how to enable various types of equipment and systems to coexist without interfering with each other under the conditions of limited space, time and spectrum resources. It includes electromagnetic interference (EMI) and electromagnetic sensitivity (EMS) two blocks. The former measures the electromagnetic impact of equipment on the outside world, while the latter is the ability of equipment to resist external interference.

So, what are the EMC electromagnetic compatibility test equipment?

A:EMC Test Lab::

Electrowave darkroom: Used to simulate a free space environment to test the radiation characteristics of equipment.

Shielded Room: Provides an environment free of external electromagnetic interference for sensitive equipment, ensuring accurate measurements.

B: Anti-interference EMS Test Equipment

  • Transmitting Antenna: Transmit RF power signal to the surface of the EUT to interfere with it.
  • Electrostatic discharge generator: simulate the interference of static electricity on the equipment, test its anti-static ability.
  • Lightning Surge Simulator: Evaluates the equipment's immunity to interference under severe weather conditions.
  • Transient Pulse Interference Simulator: Tests the anti-interference capability of equipment in the face of fast transient signals.
  • Conducted Immunity Test Equipment: Evaluates the ability of equipment to resist disturbing signals transmitted through power lines.


C: Harassment EMI Test Equipment::

  • Transmitting antenna: Receives RF interference signals emanating from the surface of the EUT into space.
  • EMI Receiver: reads the quasi-peak QP test data of the transmitting antenna and displays it.
  • Spectrum analyzer: reads the peak PEAK test data of the transmitting antenna and displays it.
  • Artificial power network: acquiring RFI signals on power lines.


Why is EMC EMC testing so important?

With the popularization of 5G, Internet of Things and other new technologies, our living environment is becoming more and more "crowded", all kinds of wireless signals are intertwined, if the product does not have a good electromagnetic compatibility, it will lead to performance degradation, or may cause accidents. Secondly, electronic products that comply with EMC standards are more likely to obtain international certification and enter the global market.

How to choose the right EMC test equipment and services?

It is crucial to choose qualified laboratories and professional EMC test instruments and equipment service providers. EUTTEST, as a mature EMC EMC test equipment and system provider, has professional pre-sales and after-sales service teams that can accurately locate potential EMC problems in your products and provide you with effective EMC test solutions to help your products pass domestic and international FCC, CE and other certification standards to enhance market competitiveness.


EMC testing is not only about product performance and safety, it is also an important passport for companies to explore the market. The next time you use any electronic product, think about the rigorous and complex EMC testing behind them!

Want to know more about EMC testing? Please collect EUTTEST website, we will share more tips about EMC from time to time, so that you become the EMC EMC industry professionals.


  • Created Date: 2024-10-08 08:23:19 ;
  • Last modified on 2024-10-08 16:23:19 ;